Ifra Iqrar’s Success Story || China CSC Scholarship 2025-2026 

Student Name: Ifra Iqrar
From: Layyah, Pakistan
Program: PhD
Major: Food Engineering
Chinese Admitted University Name: Northwest A and F University
Type of Scholarship: CSC

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Congratulations to Ifra Iqrar from Layyah, Pakistan, on being awarded the CSC Scholarship to pursue a PhD in Food Engineering at Northwest A and F University! Ifra Iqrar’s recognition of the CSC Guide Official platform underscores its effectiveness in providing valuable information and guidance to students seeking scholarships.

Prospective applicants, take inspiration from Ifra Iqrar’s achievement and utilize the resources offered by the CSC Guide Official platform to enhance your knowledge and improve your chances of securing scholarships in China.

We extend our best wishes to Ifra Iqrar and all scholars commencing their academic journey at Northwest A and F University. May your pursuit of knowledge be fruitful and rewarding!

Note: This acknowledgment serves as motivation; these students independently applied and received fully funded scholarships. In Sha Allah, your achievements will be featured here next year. These scholars followed the CSC Guide Official website for the latest updates. For the CSC Scholarship 2025-2026 procedure, refer to the CSC Guide Official YouTube channel and website.

Scholarships at Northwest A&F University (NWAFU)

Northwest A&F University offers a variety of scholarships to support international students, ranging from government-funded to university-specific awards.

  1. Chinese Government Scholarship (CSC Scholarship):
    • Coverage: Full tuition, accommodation, monthly stipend, and comprehensive medical insurance.
    • Eligibility: Open to all international students applying for undergraduate, master’s, or doctoral programs.
    • Application: Apply through the Chinese Embassy in the student’s home country or directly via the CSC online application system.
  2. Northwest A&F University President Scholarship:
    • Coverage: Partial to full tuition waiver, living stipend, and accommodation support.
    • Eligibility: Outstanding international students applying for degree programs.
    • Application: Apply directly through NWAFU’s international student application portal.
  3. Shaanxi Provincial Government Scholarship:
    • Coverage: Partial or full tuition fees.
    • Eligibility: Excellent international students applying for degree programs at NWAFU.
    • Application: Apply through NWAFU’s international student office or the relevant educational authorities in Shaanxi Province.
  4. University-Specific Scholarships:
    • Coverage: Partial scholarships covering a percentage of tuition fees.
    • Eligibility: Current and prospective international students with excellent academic performance.
    • Application: Details provided during the admission process or academic year by NWAFU.

Dormitory for International Students at NWAFU

Northwest A&F University provides several types of on-campus accommodation options for international students, designed to offer a comfortable and conducive living environment.

  1. Types of Rooms:
    • Single Rooms: Equipped with basic furniture, internet access, air conditioning, and a private bathroom.
    • Double Rooms: Shared by two students, with similar amenities as single rooms, including a shared bathroom.
  2. Facilities:
    • Common Areas: Kitchens, laundry rooms, study rooms, and recreational areas available for all students.
    • Internet Access: High-speed internet available in all dormitory rooms and common areas.
    • Security: 24/7 security services and surveillance systems to ensure the safety of all residents.
  3. Cost:
    • The cost of accommodation varies depending on the type of room and facilities provided. Rates are designed to be affordable for students.
  4. Location:
    • The dormitories are located within or near the university campus, providing easy access to academic buildings, libraries, dining halls, and other campus facilities.

For the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding scholarships and dormitory details, prospective students should visit the official NWAFU website or contact the university’s international admissions office.

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