Khalil Ullah Admitted to the Tianjin University  || China CSC Scholarship 2025-2026 

Khalil Ullah Admitted to the Tianjin University  || China CSC Scholarship 2025-2026 

Student Name: Khalil Ullah
From: Pakistan, Punjab, DG Khan
Program: Master
Major: Chemical Engineering
Chinese Admitted University Name: Tianjin University
Type of Scholarship: Chinese Government Scholarship (CSC)
How CSC Guide Official Website and YouTube Channel Help You to get Scholarship? Your Comment about CSC Guide: Very impressive videos

Note: This is just for motivation, these students applied by themselves and get Fully-funded Scholarships. In Sha Allah next year your information will be updated here. These Students Follow the CSC Guide Official Website and get the latest updates. Follow the CSC Scholarship 2025-2026 Procedure on CSC Guide Official Youtube & CSC Guide Official Website.


Congratulations to Khalil Ullah from DG Khan, Punjab, Pakistan, for securing the Chinese Government Scholarship (CSC) to pursue a Master’s degree in Chemical Engineering at Tianjin University! This achievement reflects Khalil’s dedication and determination.

Khalil Ullah’s acknowledgment of the CSC Guide Official platform underscores its valuable contribution to his successful scholarship application.

How CSC Guide Helped: “Very impressive videos”

A Special Note for Aspiring Students: Khalil Ullah’s success story emphasizes the importance of utilizing resources like the CSC Guide Official website and YouTube channel. These platforms provide valuable guidance and insights that can significantly aid applicants in navigating the scholarship application process. By following the guidance provided by CSC Guide Official, aspiring students can enhance their chances of securing scholarships and pursuing their academic aspirations in China.

Wishing Khalil Ullah and all students beginning their academic journey at Tianjin University the best of luck in their studies and future endeavors!

Tianjin University:

Tianjin University (TJU), located in Tianjin, China, is one of the oldest and most prestigious institutions of higher education in China, with a history spanning more than a century.

  • Formation: Tianjin University traces its origins to Peiyang University, which was founded in 1895 during the late Qing Dynasty. It was one of the earliest modern universities in China and played a crucial role in the country’s educational reform and modernization efforts.
  • Evolution:
    • Over the years, Tianjin University underwent several name changes and organizational restructuring to adapt to changing educational needs and national priorities.
    • In 1951, Tianjin University was officially established through the merger of several pre-existing institutions, including Peiyang University, Beiyang Technical School, and Nankai University’s College of Engineering.
    • Since its establishment, TJU has expanded its academic programs, research capabilities, and international collaborations, solidifying its reputation as a leading research university in China.
  • Key Milestones:
    • Tianjin University has a long history of academic excellence and innovation. It has produced numerous scholars, scientists, and industry leaders who have made significant contributions to various fields.
    • The university has been at the forefront of technological advancements and has played a vital role in driving economic development and industrial innovation in China.
  • Academic Excellence:
    • TJU offers a wide range of undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral programs across multiple disciplines, including engineering, science, management, humanities, and law.
    • The university is known for its strong emphasis on research and innovation, with state-of-the-art laboratories, research centers, and partnerships with industry and government agencies.
  • Campuses:
    • Tianjin University has multiple campuses in Tianjin, including the Weijin Road Campus, the Peiyang Park Campus, and the TEDA Campus. These campuses are equipped with modern facilities, libraries, student dormitories, and recreational amenities.
  • Mission:
    • The mission of Tianjin University is to provide high-quality education, advance knowledge through research and innovation, and cultivate talent capable of addressing global challenges and contributing to societal progress.
  • Vision:
    • TJU aspires to be a world-class research university known for its academic excellence, technological innovation, and societal impact. It aims to foster a culture of creativity, critical thinking, and social responsibility among its students and faculty.

Scholarships at Tianjin University (TJU):

Tianjin University offers various scholarships to support both domestic and international students in their academic pursuits. These scholarships aim to recognize academic excellence, encourage research, and promote cultural exchange. Here are some of the main scholarship programs available:

  1. Chinese Government Scholarship (CSC Scholarship):
    • Coverage: Full or partial tuition waiver, accommodation, monthly living allowance, and comprehensive medical insurance.
    • Eligibility: Open to international students applying for bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral programs.
    • Application: Apply through the Chinese Embassy in the student’s home country or directly via the CSC online application system.
  2. Tianjin University President Scholarship:
    • Coverage: Partial to full tuition waiver, living stipend, and accommodation support.
    • Eligibility: Outstanding international students applying for degree programs at TJU.
    • Application: Apply directly through TJU’s international student application portal.
  3. Tianjin Municipal Government Scholarship:
    • Coverage: Full or partial tuition fees.
    • Eligibility: Excellent international students applying for degree programs in Tianjin, including TJU.
    • Application: Apply through TJU’s international student office or via the Tianjin Municipal Education Commission.
  4. Confucius Institute Scholarship:
    • Coverage: Tuition waiver, accommodation, living stipend, and comprehensive medical insurance.
    • Eligibility: International students who wish to pursue studies in Chinese language and culture, often through Confucius Institutes worldwide.
    • Application: Apply through the Confucius Institute or via the Confucius Institute Scholarship website.

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