Moawaz Aziz Ansar Admitted to the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC) || China Scholarship 2025-2026

Moawaz Aziz Ansar Admitted to the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC) || China Scholarship 2025-2026

Moawaz Aziz Ansar Admitted to the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC) || China Scholarship 2025-2026

Student Name: Moawaz Aziz
From: Punjab, OKARA, Pakistan
Chinese Admitted University Name: University of Electronic Science and Technology (UESTC)
Program: Master
Major: Biomedical Engineering
Type of Scholarship: University full Scholarship

How CSC Guide Official Website and Youtube Channel Help You to get Scholarship? Your Comment about CSC Guide: Irfan Ullah bhai, JazakAllah for your guidance. You’re such a pure-hearted person, and I love your personality. I’ve been following you from the start. I had 15 acceptance letters and secured admission in 3 universities because I have a bachelor’s degree in biotechnology. I was stressed about choosing a field, but because of your guidance and by the grace of Allah, I’ve decided to pursue biomedical engineering at UESTC. One of my friends, Yasir Ali, who is studying at HUST China, suggested that I watch your videos, and also guided me a little. My GPA was just 3.4, but I’ve followed the right path as you instructed. Alhamdulillah, I’ve secured admission in my dream research field. Keep shining, brother. Stay in the blessings of Allah!

Note: This is just for motivation, these students applied by themselves and get Fully-funded Scholarships. In Sha Allah next year your information will be updated here. These Students Follow the CSC Guide Official Website and get the latest updates. Follow the CSC Scholarship 2025-2026 Procedure on CSC Guide Official Youtube & CSC Guide Official Website.


Congratulations to Moawaz Aziz for securing admission to the University of Electronic Science and Technology (UESTC) for a Master’s program in Biomedical Engineering, supported by a University full Scholarship! It’s truly inspiring to witness Moawaz Aziz’s accomplishment in realizing his dream of studying abroad, particularly in China.

Moawaz Aziz’s journey exemplifies unwavering dedication and resilience. His recognition of the invaluable assistance provided by the CSC Guide Official platform highlights the pivotal role of reliable resources in navigating the scholarship application process.

A Special Note for Aspiring Students: Moawaz Aziz’s success serves as a beacon of hope for aspiring students striving to pursue their education in China. By leveraging the resources offered by the CSC Guide Official’s website and YouTube channel, students can equip themselves with essential insights and stay abreast of the latest scholarship opportunities. In Sha Allah, the forthcoming years will witness the sharing of more success stories akin to Moawaz Aziz’s, inspiring future generations of students to chase their academic aspirations. Follow the CSC Scholarship 2025-2026 procedure on CSC Guide Official YouTube and CSC Guide Official Website to stay informed and well-prepared for your scholarship journey.

Wishing Moawaz Aziz and all students embarking on their academic journey in China the very best in their endeavors!

University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC):

The University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC), located in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, is a leading institution known for its focus on electronic and information science and technology. Established in 1956, UESTC has grown into a comprehensive university with a strong emphasis on engineering and technology.

  • Formation: UESTC was founded in 1956, initially named Chengdu Institute of Radio Engineering. The university was established with the support of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Ministry of Education to meet the country’s growing needs for professionals in electronic science and technology.
  • Evolution:
    • In 1988, the university was renamed the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, reflecting its expanded scope and status as a key national university.
    • In 1997, UESTC was included in the “211 Project,” a national initiative to strengthen top institutions of higher education.
    • In 2001, UESTC was selected for the “985 Project,” which aims to develop world-class universities.
    • In 2017, UESTC was designated as a “Double First-Class” initiative university, focusing on developing first-class disciplines.
  • Academic Excellence: UESTC is renowned for its strengths in electronic engineering, information technology, and computer science. It offers a wide range of undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral programs across multiple disciplines. The university has consistently been ranked among the top engineering schools in China.
  • Campuses: UESTC has three campuses in Chengdu: the Shahe Campus, the Qingshuihe Campus, and the Zhongshan Institute in Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province. These campuses are equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, research centers, and student amenities.
  • Mission: The mission of UESTC is to advance knowledge in electronic science and technology, foster innovation, and cultivate highly skilled professionals who can contribute to technological and societal development.
  • Vision: UESTC aims to be a world-class university recognized for its excellence in electronic and information sciences, engineering, and multidisciplinary research and education.

Scholarships at the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC):

UESTC offers a variety of scholarships to support both domestic and international students in their academic pursuits. These scholarships aim to recognize academic excellence, encourage research, and promote cultural exchange. Here are some of the main scholarship programs available:

  1. Chinese Government Scholarship (CSC Scholarship):
    • Coverage: Full or partial tuition waiver, accommodation, monthly living allowance, and comprehensive medical insurance.
    • Eligibility: Open to international students applying for bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral programs.
    • Application: Apply through the Chinese Embassy in the student’s home country or directly via the CSC online application system.
  2. UESTC President Scholarship:
    • Coverage: Partial to full tuition waiver, living stipend, and accommodation support.
    • Eligibility: Outstanding international students applying for degree programs at UESTC.
    • Application: Apply directly through UESTC’s international student application portal.
  3. Sichuan Provincial Government Scholarship:
    • Coverage: Full or partial tuition fees.
    • Eligibility: Excellent international students applying for degree programs in Sichuan Province, including UESTC.
    • Application: Apply through UESTC’s international student office or via the Sichuan Provincial Education Department.
  4. Silk Road Scholarship Program:
    • Coverage: Full tuition waiver, accommodation, living stipend, and comprehensive medical insurance.
    • Eligibility: International students from countries along the Belt and Road Initiative.
    • Application: Apply through UESTC’s international student office.


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